Current Ephemeris (apparent positions):
Date/Time: 2024.09.18 15:14:30 UTC (GMT - Delta T), JD = 2460572.135081
Sidereal Time: 15:06:38, Delta T = 88.8 seconds
Geocentric positions
Phase of Moon: 0.521 (0.000=New; 0.250=First 1/4; 0.500=Full; 0.750=Last 1/4)
Planet Longitude Latitude Right Asc. Declination
Sun 26 Vir 11'40" 0°00'00" 11:46:02 1°30'46"
Moon 03 Ari 42'13" - 0°16'09" 00:14:01 1°13'31"
Moon's Node 06 Ari 36'51"R 0°00'00" 00:24:17 2°37'33"
Apogee 02 Lib 22'44"R 0°23'30" 12:09:21 - 0°35'12"
Mercury 15 Vir 44'45" 1°49'16" 11:10:22 7°17'57"
Venus 24 Lib 32'49" 0°20'06" 13:31:26 - 9°12'00"
Mars 08 Cnc 05'40" 0°15'06" 06:35:19 23°26'34"
Jupiter 20 Gem 38'16" - 0°42'31" 05:19:28 22°24'05"
Saturn 15 Psc 14'06"R - 2°11'47" 23:09:03 - 7°50'36"
Uranus 27 Tau 08'11"R - 0°15'57" 03:39:39 19°15'35"
Neptune 28 Psc 34'51"R - 1°19'32" 23:56:54 - 1°46'51"
Pluto 29 Cap 46'11"R - 3°15'57" 20:10:46 -23°23'22"
Chiron 22 Ari 21'20"R 1°06'07" 01:21:02 9°43'28"
Quaoar 07 Cap 59'10"R 8°01'46" 18:32:47 -15°10'56"
Sedna 01 Gem 10'47"R -11°55'49" 04:06:00 8°42'10"
Sgr A*/GalCtr 27 Sgr 11'47" - 5°36'41" 17:47:14 -29°01'09"
Positions are apparent positions (where they appear in the sky at the
time), not true positions. Planet and Moon positions are from NASA/JPL
ephemeris files. This online ephemeris is provided for free.
Neither JPL nor make any warranty as to
the suitability of their ephemeris data for any purpose.
Sedna positions are from preliminary orbital elements published by the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and are only approximate
over long periods of time.