
Sun to Sedna Ephemeris, 1600–2100

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ephemeris - Latin, originally from the Greek "ephémeros, -on," daily. An almanac of the daily motions of the planets and stars.
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Calculate Ephemeris, Years 1600-2100, Time in 24-hour GMT:

  Year: Month: Day:     Hour: Minute: Second:  
Longitude:   Latitude:   Meters:
  °   '   "     °   '   "
(Not sure of your Longitude, Latitude, and Elevation? Just leave these values blank to get geocentric positions.)

Current Ephemeris (apparent positions):

Date/Time: 2025.01.24 04:03:47 UTC (GMT - Delta T), JD = 2460699.669306
Sidereal Time: 12:18:44, Delta T = 89.3 seconds
Geocentric positions

Phase of Moon: 0.821 (0.000=New; 0.250=First 1/4; 0.500=Full; 0.750=Last 1/4)

Planet           Longitude       Latitude  Right Asc.  Declination
Sun            04 Aqr 24'42"   - 0°00'01"   20:26:59   -19°09'25"
Moon           29 Sco 47'28"   - 4°27'42"   15:46:14   -24°27'41"
Moon's Node    29 Psc 04'39"R    0°00'00"   23:56:37   - 0°22'01"
Apogee         19 Lib 42'57"R  - 1°48'22"   13:10:02   - 9°23'00"
Mercury        23 Cap 40'23"   - 1°33'17"   19:43:19   -22°53'44"
Venus          20 Psc 48'25"     0°51'59"   23:24:51   - 2°50'49"
Mars           23 Cnc 05'02"R    4°19'29"   07:42:53    25°43'32"
Jupiter        11 Gem 29'39"R  - 0°31'13"   04:40:08    21°38'41"
Saturn         16 Psc 35'56"   - 1°56'06"   23:13:42   - 7°04'19"
Uranus         23 Tau 16'48"R  - 0°14'41"   03:23:49    18°21'20"
Neptune        27 Psc 45'23"   - 1°16'23"   23:53:47   - 2°03'37"
Pluto          01 Aqr 48'07"   - 3°18'01"   20:19:24   -22°58'25"
Chiron         19 Ari 17'46"     0°53'20"   01:09:52     8°22'32"
Quaoar         10 Cap 19'22"     7°49'25"   18:42:25   -15°14'09"
Sedna          00 Gem 08'27"R  -11°55'42"   04:01:58     8°30'15"
Sgr A*/GalCtr  27 Sgr 11'51"   - 5°36'38"   17:47:14   -29°01'05"

Positions are apparent positions (where they appear in the sky at the time), not true positions. Planet and Moon positions are from NASA/JPL ephemeris files. This online ephemeris is provided for free. Neither JPL nor ephemeris.com make any warranty as to the suitability of their ephemeris data for any purpose.

Sedna positions are from preliminary orbital elements published by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and are only approximate over long periods of time.

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